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Sister’s of Love Meet & Greet

Our Sister in Queen of Sheba’s Subordinate Chapter Sisters of Love #25, Is having a Meet and Greet. on September 8, 2024 Please click the link for the calendar invite.  During this event, you can uncover the magic of the Order of the Eastern Star. Get ready for a dazzling and immersive adventure! Join them for a day filled with uplifting stories, fascinating history, and the warm camaraderie that defines the sisterhood. Whether you’re curious about the traditions, eager to connect with like-minded individuals, or simply looking for a day of fun and inspiration, this event promises to be unforgettable. Meet members of the Order who will share their journeys and the impact the Order has had on their lives. Participate in interactive activities highlighting the core values of charity, truth, and loving-kindness. Enjoy light refreshments and take the opportunity to ask questions, make new friends, and perhaps even find your place within this extraordinary community. Mark your calendars and prepare to be enchanted by the magic of the Order of the Eastern Star. They can’t wait to welcome you!

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